Cockiness is a great way to build a ship so that it’ll crash and burn. Being overconfident can be sexy, attractive but overall foolhardy. The difference between confidence and cockiness is reality; confidence is built on something where as cockiness is a charade to nothing. To have confidence is a simple end to a mental exercise. To have cockiness is an act.

Confidence is created, not inherent. Building this characteristic occurs when one thinks things through to the point of a sure understanding themselves and the situation at hand. Thinking things through creates confidence and all else is gravy on top of that. If one is not confident, it can be easily created by critical thinking and being properly analytical; that being not too worried and unsure so that the calculations become doubt farms instead of examinations. Anyone can be confident when and if they precisely examine things.

Cockiness comes from one not examining things but enjoying the thrill and social boost people give them WHEN they are successful and seemed to know they were going to be. When confidence is questioned or cockiness presented as a charge the trial is simple and one dimensional. A person then thinks through their next actions and acts upon accurately comprehending that action so they move forward with apt awareness and behavior to the upcoming event and themselves. This becomes problematic when a person is too worried about impressing others or they feel they need others approval or some heightened status and they do not trust others to understand or not judge them too harshly.

Giving others the proper worth in their judgment is key to confidence. The content you are all judging is all the goddamn same shit. Even though there is always a new frame of reference to create personal bias, you must trust yours and show that trust in display. It’s the same problem you are all working, they don’t have a magic piece of info you’re lacking. The other trick that people play on themselves is believing that others have some inherent worth to their opinion. Other’s feelings only affect you because you have deemed it important, the excitement chemicals are always in your own brain waiting to be released to whatever feat they are tied to. Think things through and you have created confidence to trust measurably instead of emotionally or in fallacy.

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