In all things worked one must have their goal set and pushing. Without passion flaring and momentum sprung, there cannot be progress going nor art finessed. It is flawed in function to move forward blindly. Having one’s eye upon perfection and mind critiquing the craft while hands mold it forward is the orchestra to out perform that mistake. If one does not open their mind to continuing to pursue perfection then one is lost and will hold no prize. The pushed critique and judgments are a waste of breath and insult if there was no perfection in mind. Having a strong final picture in mind is the only way to continue forward towards a goal. A clash with winging it does not occur as even in spasticity the end goal is clear. New moves are appropriate and welcomed. Do not dress, dance, love, or push without a perfect option in mind.

When we critique ourselves, in doing so without considering perfection then there is no actual scale and the words were a waste of breathe. Like a blind mad saying its too dark out to dance. The dance doesn’t have a lighting until we set a standard. The same as a man says she will never love me and when one inquires, whom he refers… and he has no answer. Always consider the perfection or live without direction and quite often a lack of worth.

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