To state simply, you can’t do everything and being worried about that keeps you from doing anything. One cannot be great without first being good, adequate, mediocre, awful and fucking up a few times. The idea that one perfect calling can come around and instantly demonstrate greatness is beyond stupid. Understanding weakness and failing falls into being perfect so there is knowledge of the full spectrum.

Commitment is the teamwork that makes your dreams work. Until your plans, your emotions, your schedule, your time and your resources are going towards the same goal, you’re just flailing. The shotgun spastic approach to life is a waste of one. A million half assed attempts get you booty. If you truly care about a thing, stick to it. Expand the field of application and understanding. The biggest thing about commitment is that it has a payout that half asses will never know. Take anything big and important you love. What went into it?

Lets feed the enemies dragon here. What if we jump ship here and the next corner has all the greatest answers ever? Maybe everyone accepting the standards you’re adhering to are a bunch of lowbrow fools! What if this is a subpar commitment? What if you’re not good enough to do something great? These are all panicking in different ways. The only worse outcome is never as bad as one having these questions thinks it is. None of them are realistic worries. The alternative is to stagnate and fester, that’s significantly worse! We must shit greatness! Never has a logical person to make progress in their live said that. There will always be be work involved and to avoid that is to be close minded, live a fickle life, and eat shit until you get spoon fed. A little work goes way farther. Thinking otherwise is childish.

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