It is impossible to be in complete control of ones emotions because one never knows what the world will bring to a person as the world is bigger than a person… Without training. A person CAN however always choose how they wish to feel and decide they don’t like how they are currently feeling. The act of emotional design and emotional dismissal is an enormous power to a human being. One’s core is a state that reacts while holding stable as a passenger and observer of the life occurring around it. We get to choose.

In the act of telling a horrible emotion that we don’t like it and it is not us, a person becomes actively free and emotionally powerful. This is overcoming habit and simultaneously exhibiting as well as developing new strength. Life sucks a whole lot but a person’s emotional state doesn’t have to. Deciding you are bigger than the evil in front of you is actually deciding that your emotions are yours and you’re always in control of them even if the world is a random cannon and shitty af.
The act of acceptance and acknowledging your own emotional dissonance and pain is in itself a powerful step. Anger is always a secondary emotion to fear so instead of being afraid go into awareness. Fear means danger which is excitement with a chance of pain.

There’s always a way to hate and to love what ones doing. Step past elementary school of perception designing and one finds that there’s always a path a particular perception would aim a person on just as type of person it makes them. In design the best must also a person know what they want and what’s going on around them. This develops a hyper awareness as one as a very measured mind… There also lays the danger of being measuring in possibilities instead of gripping onto the present. As a person remembers that they chose this particular action they’re in does it deserve the utmost attention.

Emotions fuel us while we create and embody their path. They do not rule us, ever. Saying control your emotions don’t let them control you mildly dismisses and inappropriately addresses the duality of a relationship humans have with their thoughts. As we judge, label, perceive and observe life does it occur it a new way responsive by our behavior which is a product of all that stuff. We are separate from those things if we chose to be while we can still become a champion or slave to the spirit of those things. Point being, we are in control given the active acknowledged separation and perception of self. The time to notice emotions and then designing the best one for your situation, persuasion, goal and purpose of each moment. You are in control if you want to be.

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