Learning how to properly construct a sentence or shoot a basketball will appropriately teach a person how to be successful at writing or that sport. Those are the immediate functionalities occurring but not the drives or premises which make people of the same values and talents miles apart. Actual change requires re-examining deeper perspectives of the self and world. Someone who comes from a broken home can know all the equations, dance steps, and shot formulae and it won’t mean diddlyfuck. Their hearts are crushed so the passion comes from a broken ventricle, barely spewing out enough oomph to get out of bed. Perspectives can be so bent that Salvador Dali would tip his hat at many ghetto kid’s outlooks. It comes down to what one feels they deserve and what work is acceptable. The biggest governors.

The place one calls home creates the base state of mind and assured return place of emotion and rest. This creates a drift on the rest of a person’s day. To have a beaten home is to have that sort of drag on the rest of one’s life. Without facing the demons at home, the ones out in the big world are superfluous. We defeat ourselves and guarantee ourselves victory with our base attitude, that attitude comes with the vibe and mindset of our home. To change how one sees their home creates a safe base to stem great actions. Changing perspective shifts behavior and that creates results. Having a strong home to return to and branch out from is across the board on the list of high achievers. A home isn’t given, it is made.

How one is raised has significant, lasting effects on their view of the world. Figuring out what one is acclimated to is key for success in the now. Seeing what kind of expectations parents and households have on their family and children will linger and persist until dismissed and replaced. The role one has growing up is the role a person falls naturally into unless they develop other, different, new roles to play. For example, I grew up with a handicap older brother and I always find myself in a helping position of someone I look up to. For me, this creates a social imbalance of trying to “fix” a person and all of my best friends over the years have noted it. The fears of a parent are the fears of a child, most direct from the mother more so than the father; because biology. This is not the only way one can be. Thinking of a new role and examining how it would feel and walk through, then mentally and emotionally accepting and seeking that path will allow it’s fruition as well as continuance. It must be reinforced on a regular basis or one will fall back into what one finds to be familiar.

The last situation one experienced is the biggest, immediate draw on a person. What we create as an emotional state of being, our channeling ideas of importance all gravitate from what we define as worthwhile. Letting one situation affect us strongly, creates that state of being in the next room. Choosing what experience affects us, puts us in control of our next step regarding our mindset and emotionality. Critical here is that as much as the last situation
we went through is going to strongly affect us, nothing is without a framing. Everything has a spin and what angle we pick creates our frame. A shitty situation can just be a speedbump in life. A shitty situation can be the jump we get over to show off how great we are. A shitty situation can be the trick with which we are actually needing to pull off in order to prove ourselves worthwhile. Alternatively, a shitty situation can be simply perceived incorrectly. Make steps to get to greatness then figure out how to frame your last situation as the leading or one of the steps towards your own preferred greatness. A slightly crazier step is to imagine up the situation that would best propel you forward, then allow yourself to feel that way and get moving.

After all these situations have been examined inside and out for their prognosis and your perceived sins confronted then it is time to decide where one wants to be next. Where a person is going has it’s success largely determined from their state of mind and what emotionality is fitting, does pull.

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