Takes nothing but doing it.

The beautiful thing about persona’s is they are completely made up. Rarely is a personality characteristic based in an action one does but in how one acts and hold themselves. Self-fulfilling prophecies are beautiful here because they slowly become more and more real as one believes in it enough to walk confidently about the place. A person who is helpful or good at sports, or smart, or funny or pretty is not a described who but a described what who does. They play sports well, they think and learn well, they look attractive and they tell good jokes but this person is not described. Confidence, place of attention, seat in the realm of ideas, emotional stance and prerogative all describe a person. The biggest factor most people would knowingly and commonly express is confidence. And that is completely made up, willed and believed in until it exists. It takes nothing but the decision and will to stay in character. You act, you pretend, but nothing makes you confident. Not jumping out of planes, not ace’ing tests, not writing books, not having amazing sex, not being amazing at playing guitar or a crazy famous rockstar but just being confident makes you confident. Its a decision and an act

Here is an interview with a rockstar and how it would go:

Q- So why are you cool?

A- Well, people think I am and I agree or I think I am and they agree. Lots of musicians are better than me and lots are crazier but Im still cool. My style is avante guard and not in the french way but in the badass punk rock way.

And here is my main point”You can be whomever you want” doesn’t mean and never meant that you can “DO” whatever you want. That follows but a personality is inherent and if we work with ourselves and believe in ourselves then we can be as cool as want

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