Watch your thoughts. The train of thought a person rides doesn’t have to care for its passengers as does not that person always have to be aware of what is conducting it. We think thoughts and call them a downward spiral or on a roll and we believe in streaks but that is statistically bullshit. Every step is different even though it is in our DNA to assume its all connected. There have been studies now done showing that monkeys believe in winning and losing streaks, most likely due to their navigating land and finding reoccurring food and shelter without any knowledge of how trees and ecology work. That being said, every thought in our mind can be told to go away, molded into another thought, bent to show different perspective, or whatever else a person wishes to do with it! No one thought is in control of you and every thought is separate. It may be hard to feel or believe in new thoughts that we make or shake that feeling and faith in an old one, but we can still think whatever we like. Keep track of thoughts, they are your crew in the ship of your life. Bastards can sink you or save you and they’re often more important than the weather and ship at hand.

Be aware of your feelings. Western society does not like to talk or examine their feelings. With the resent popularity of feminism in America there has been an uprise in approval of men being in touch with their feelings and women being allowed to express theirs but its still a small acceptance, a de-segregation of schools but no change in workforce, college acceptance rates, poverty in feeling neighborhoods or overall superiority preferences to people who don’t seem to have feelings. That last part is the worst and the root of the problem. Everyone has feelings, they can be repetitive or wholly new to that second of that hour of that day. Its not hard at all to look at them just as it isn’t hard to wipe snot off your face. Its incredibly personal, extremely noticeable, and pretty much only you should make a change. You are not your emotions though. That is most important, they are chemical reactions and defense mechanisms teamed with instinctual desires and footwork all being run in a climate shaped by a past and society few have examined and almost none have scrutinized to behave are the team they would believe in. You can make goals for your feels and that more healthy than pretending because it means you have to first realize and admit that you don’t feel happy or sexy or fit or successful. Bullshit can run the world but imagination’s capabilities are so much greater that it would be like using a tardis for a fucking nightlight. Once you see where you are and fully accept and examine that, decide where you want to go with understanding in mind. Do not dismiss your emotions.

We are beasts of habit and followers in herds. Watching our decisions sounds like someone telling to not run red lights. Fucking duh, right? But no, wrong as all hell. We constantly make decisions mindlessly, we strive to follow and upkeep our habits, paths, paved knowledge boards and contingency plans all while preaching to kids and friends that one should follow their dreams. The universe is built on change, a truly lived life does not get to be planned nor fine itself anything but ridiculous and whisking. The decisions we make to stay on a beaten path is not a decision but the lack of a decision for we have not evaluated the adventure or change ahead but cowered back to what we know we can do and have been told to do. Every decision can be weighed in measure of fear versus bravery or so I have heard. That is an absurd dichotomy of sands for time’s traces of our feet but it does make things easier to see… and often it needs to be made that black and white. Normal people do not give homeless people money, normal people do not pick trash off the ground, normal people do not write letters saying how great a friend or relative someone is, normal people do not follow ice cream trucks to poor neighborhoods and drop 20 bucks for the kids on the block, normal people do not get jobs on cruise ships because that doesn’t pay well but the stars and the sea and the excitement of helping others live through that doesn’t have a dead president on it, normal people don’t watch their decisions because it is normal to succumb to autopilot. A decision means doing something different because one has thought through and weighed the options, not strayed from change because it is hard to think about different shit.

I was once told by a great man I met that we as people can be actionary or reactionary. Spell check is now telling me that actionary is not a word, so maybe he wasn’t that great but then again maybe spell check can go fuck itself. To be actionary, one decides what they want to do in a day. Once sees the influences, input, effects coming to them in an absolute manner because they want to see all the options instead of being controlled by a reaction. It is most often a social problem where a person reacts and has a shitty day because Thomas at work is being a dick again. Thomas is not the problem, Thomas is always a dick and everybody knows that. The problem with the problem is that this person has let the problem be their problem. There are more choices than getting mad. There is the option of not reacting at all. Never will I say in clear thought and conscience to ignore someone willfully but I will say let their words be as meaningless as the insult of an angry Indonesian child at their sister on the other side of the world. Do you really care? Why do you care? This is reacting to them, this is giving your power as a conscious being with somewhere near limitless options to Thomas. Thomas is probably a really good guy but being a dick today, do you want your day to be the product of somebody being a dick? No, you want to eat ice cream and make something really cool then meet some groovy people and go see something beautiful. Be aware of your reactions, they easily overtake your day.

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