Simple statement; the human mind projects and assumes certain things via priming and normal memory of experiences. A conscious effort to change this is totally possible and effective in doing so. A human being will find themselves ruled by their perception until they realize that only they are in charge of the rules in their perception. Nietsche said that stare at the darkness and the darkness stares into you, I believe the same is true of what is in you becomes what is in front of you; humans find what they seek whether it means we are determined and dedicated to the search or we invent the sought. The longer you assume things which are negative, the longer your life stays negative. The less than phenomenal phenomenon in psychology, in your head, known as priming is where on thought procures others like it and determines the availability of ideas to come. Thus, we have to start taking into account how many which kinds of thoughts are doing us good or bad. And thus realizing the effects of this, we must manage it.

In this week, make notes of when your mind jumps to awful and positive assumptions. Categorize them into social, financial, situational, legal, romantic, sexual, career, adventure or what have you so they are easier to understand where which jumps are going. Doing that makes them easier to navigate and remember. The next step determines your emotions more than the current one if you give it more worth. Happy and successful people assume more positive things because it is what they’re used to. Depressed people assume more negative things because that is what their memories know and minds naturally calculate is next. But the next step is always free. Our actions and thoughts determine our lives exponentially more than our past; believe that and it becomes true or don’t and it becomes false.

It is not hard to start a number of required positive assumptions and number of negative assumptions dismissed in a day. There is no too little to ask for and none too much. It is what we make it and letting go of seeing a pattern of failure or luck is one of the healthiest and most real things a person can ever do. Everything that says otherwise is defensiveness, insecurity and fear. Please do this, for you and the future and reality.

Ask for what you want, purely. The hesitation comes from sloth and worry. That’s a misuse of imagination and a plan to be lazy and less. Ask for the biggest boat, for the prettiest mate, the coolest job. From there, analyze->criticize->innovate->create and network, organize, create passion, and research the successful. Do the stuff and don’t be afraid of falling down then getting back up again. Ask for what you want.

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