Having high standards is the way to having a high life. An insecure person is oft so because they have high standards but freakout for not meeting them then stay in such an emotional state rather than examining what emotional state will propel them forward. This ironic failing is too common and don’t fucking do it. The biggest trick to success is staying focused and malleable. Having the highest ground and a better attitude will keep one looking and pushing themselves. Don’t do this is a purely or sinking competitive manner but a raising manner. That switch is huge as one makes you fight for the last penny where as the other pushes you to see that there is a few million around the corner if you can just do a dance and dress the right shnaz. Constantly remind yourself that you are of the highest caliber not in an effort to dismiss or judge others but to propel yourself forward.

Creating high standards is not enough. Being in a building mentality with focus holding your castle together is what makes ends meet. One good decision will never stand for long and new opportunities always come up. Without being not just aware but actively seeking, the tip top cream will become stale and forgotten.

Being enthused by this idea is key. Realizing your own emotional fulcrum is a tantamount to success because you will alway return to it. Remaking this is possible but takes constant vigilance and some hard character chiseling. Once the emotional fulcrum of choice is figured, a mere and fun matter of fantasizing, solidify in your mind in every way. Give it full sensory definition and chronological scope, start to finish and effect. Keep this concept as a winning idea. To have this high emotional place is a reward, associate it with brownies, blowjobs, snowdays, and shoe sales.

The strength of a person can be measured by what they value in themselves. To not be compassionate and goal oriented with the self is to be an abusive asshole to someone; they just happen to be you. Holding high values means enjoying what you do and then seeking what you enjoy. The standard is not to be taught or received as that is mindless and being self-involved is what activates it. Seek your own happiness and value your own feelings. Move them to be higher and remember that not being motivated is a crime against yourself. Always be building

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