When a person believes they are great but doesn’t create a plan to become such, they’ve created a imbalance. As one can be great in contrast to others, the lazy pretentious greats can be very judgmental. This need feeds itself and starves itself. One must be genuine and stop making assumptions to escape this spiral.

An addiction to excuses grows from this mindset. There could always be better circumstances there it’s their fault one can’t achieve. If someone else had not ruined your day THEN you could have won the grand design. It’s irresponsible for ones own emotions, drives, and needs. It protects them from ridicule while crippling them from the inside. The pain feared is so much less bad than the life not lived.

They grow to dismiss those who disagree with them as lesser instead of examining their values. It’s a defense rather than an understanding, another excuse that is less effort and of no value. It keeps them running instead of present, a chasing the anxiety to speak. The real run though is from fear. Ideas in ones mind seeming real because one doesn’t really check them out. The pain is never that bad but finding out you’re lesser sounds super scary. Being stuck and helpless is the fear being avoided and by not facing whatever task is at hand does one create a helplessness to it and stagnate their story. It’s a lie to the self as they call others liars because they won’t face their own work; projection is childish and easy… And dumb.

Criticism and cynicism are different. As one sees things wrong in the world should one work to improve them otherwise they’re clowns for doomsday. They will not face their fear but making small petty jokes and insults after projecting it on others. It takes creating an actual spectrum of worth and desires that one is pursuing to have worth in any such criticism. If this is created then the person wants to move more than mock, so it’s either a pretentious contradictory place or a slight step out of line.

The believe and worship of the lesser as a power source is a horrible thing. When you feel lesser, you work harder; out of insecurity. If you’re better than Steve and Jill then you feel better but the world sucks now and you’re not really good, just not crap. Every time one looks down on others there is a form of this addiction taking place instead of enjoyment and learning being cultivated.

It turns on itself, always. The judgment without others to attack will come to swing at the user when no other ammo is about. This is insecurity of the bully. So don judge, ever. Create and seek love, there is nothing complicated about it, just motion and faith then momentum.

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