There is this silly taught idea that some people deserve less than others. It’s socialized and seen through classism and competition among children. It is an absurd lesson that holds back individuals from their natural rights on arbitrary and unfit criteria. Being alive on this planet is full entitlement. Only are the rich and spoiled cultures to believe themselves this way. It is. It greed nor better than but freedom of a true and logical nature. As laws are rebelled against so is freedom taken away just as freedom is preached so the discourse is falsified and humans begin to live within lines that don’t exist and are only hurtful and restricting to those who don’t see past them. This is overcoming a silly sense of who’s in charge and who gets what when truly being on Earth and human makes all our riches home.

The plain and simple fact exists that you deserve the best books, the most wonderful adventures, top notch dinners, best lessons and the pinnacle of wonder this earth has to offer. It’s not something earned by merit, class, birth right, creed, race or any other stupid label mankind has invented to separate ones and bully others; that’s infantile and barbaric superiority complex is definitively the only true sign of inferiority. All that holds a person back is their decision to pursue things and the determination around it. Some will find things faster and with more ease where as others will have more trouble and hurdles. That doesn’t make them less deserving. Giving up and accepting some stupid guilt title of lesser is. The whole restriction is a class enforced madness; class isn’t real past some asshole kids in suits who want to convince the other kids in suits they’re special.

One possible reason people reinforce this concept, a status of lesser, is because it’s comfortable to not be responsible. Having all the freedom of this world is an ego flip, mind blowing, an incredible overwhelming shock to the senses and overload to decision making skills. Order is nice, and set, known structure with calm isn’t hard to deal with. Human beings like comfort and stride to do what takes the least amount of effort while being functional. Being blissful isn’t necessary for survival and most cultures even had made up words and villain to black list it. Hedonism, pirates, and thrill seekers all the way to weirdos. Shaking the boat is frowned upon and black-list merit. It is easier to stay a certain amount scared and refrain from the unknown. This is a choice humans have. It takes creativity, bravery to overcome both the possible danger and socialized fear then finally much determination and cunning to claim ones full rights as existing. But we are entitled to such because we do exist, goddamnit.

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