Every person in existence has a vastly separate understanding of how life works. Perception and life’s very nature dictate that two walks of life have different points of references for emotions and possibility. Anyone selling anything else is seeking ignorance for one false god or another. It’s in our nature as social beings to connect to each other though, so lines get blurred and people paste blankets over books that are distinct human differences. It makes things flow and more comfortable. It’s an exception taking place because other goals have been accepted as more important.

Making conversation is some magic shit mankind has never noticed right under its nose at a ticking constant. Expressing one’s self in terms and values similar enough to be readily understood by another hooman means meeting them in their space in the infinite realm of ideas; such action is insanely epic and monumental while simultaneously unavoidable and commonplace. As simple as connotation to the words of mind, love, stress, desire, and need to the endless possibility of wonder at the pig-headed and required confidence of success, conversation requires conceptual movement to make acquaintance.

Learning other people’s accepted perceptions of the universe and it’s functionality is communicating. Each human being has their own obsession and indifferences, that arbitrary scale establishes the subjective experience we call personality or character. In connecting do the actors submit to one stage whether it be a compromise or collaboration there is always a mixing to one degree and direction. Pure dominance is fallacy, no such untouchable ignorance truly exists; every pressure has reaction whether it be a tiny crack or a transformational paradigm empire revolution.

The act of fear and anger without invention is a an ignition key clicking on an empty gas tank. As things bother and irritate do humans need to create a new way to think. It is never that we aren’t good enough or that impossible is behind this door but that a new approach does not exist. We must make this and imagination and open mindedness are the endless supply of fuel. It’s not easy because it’s fun. It’s not known so it can be seen as scary. It’s change so it can’t be comfortable. Freedom requires action and thought to be real, complacency is toxic and contradictory to it.

We get to design where we are going and we get to say no. The realization and action of such are fully loaded keys to the kingdom, ain’t no fucking degree, hoops or fee. As we connect to each other is a new step taken. The next step is always free. Imagining what one wants to have is the same as imagining what one is afraid of, they create a path and we lives take most highly considered candidate; never most fit. In responding to other’s fear by creating a likewise conversation and stream of thoughts is that reality imagined, planned out, and set into action. This is the most prime example of existential dread in that we have complete blame for what happened and will then we also have complete power and freedom to make the fantastic.

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