The only real law of the universe is entropy. People like to speak, write, and sing of humanity; an illogical set of high points and values because maybe a tsunami or cancer will fucking end you. Destiny is part of that humanity. But as long as the idea exists and it does very much move the immediate motions of a life, it’s worth examining for its motivations and talents.

The limits of a person’s actions exist more greatly in what they believe than in their ability. Studies have even shown that the mind restricts the body by 15% of its full exertion, strength and speed yet this doesn’t come close to the measured loss of all the things a person never tries. Destiny shakes much the dice one is willing to throw. For this reason it’s key to believe in a world willing to receive and give. Whether that means give you a good job, be receptive to your sexual goals and desires, or willing in any sort of these sorts, that is a key presence in a person’s life story. Self-fulfilling prophecies are silly as all hell but they also often run people’s lives.

Understanding the conceptual fulcrum of who does deserve the best, is an enormous key in destiny. Because when silly rules run ones life and make a person restrict what they let themselves chase, ability and hard work don’t matter anymore; and that’s just stupid. It’s a subjective question to ask and answer for oneself. The haves and haves not as organized in this world mostly exist because of random. It’s human to WANT to say there’s rhyme and reason but just as many hard working poor people starve everyday as many rich, lazy people overdose on designer drugs. God isn’t running things, humans like things to make sense that are random. The point is to assume you do deserve, just because.

Abundance is a weird concept these days where rich new age kids preach things they never had to earn or worry about. There is enough for you and me to have whatever we want; a strange concept to stomach in days where advertising tells us 24/7 to scramble and be desperate. It may mean changing ones approach but the belief of destiny is key. It’s always a present factor, it just might be working for you or against you; either way, you are employing it. So invest yourself in the world you want.

The core of these functions is influence from a sense of worth. As much as one thinks are, equates to what they believe they deserve quite directly proportional. Remember, the whole spectrum is subjective. Creating a sense of worth is much more free than the brain likes to feel it is. This is especially true for the people who have invested a ton of time in thinking they’re not of high worth. A sense of lack or a sense of freedom are invented and projected concepts. To say one has either establishes a path. Falters or persistence happen but the route is the drastic establishment. Deciding on a sense of worth and freedom is something one imagines and then attributes to, we always pick.

As a person feels they deserve is what they aim themselves towards. Humans don’t like to believe their sense of worth is as subjective as it is, but we have that freedom. The aims we make in our minds shape the route our lives take. Believing in abundance is the choice which switches from belief in lack. We control creating our destiny gauge and it then controls us back. Pick some good shit, the world needs some better people.

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