Every person you know and have an emotional impression of has a place-marker in your mind. If you think of them, that emotion is quick to follow if not the same thing. Now, to the cone power of a shaman; before you had an idea of something, the mind you have is too full and prejudice to see that thing and this is what a shaman supposedly can put into person’s brain. This occurrence is so difficult and unlikely that it’s called magic and well known in other cultures, revered even. It is rare to become aware of something that is actually new because of the limits of human consciousness without hard focus and invested work. For this purpose, new people are hard to grasp without hard work and focus. Further and more damagingly so, new roles for people takes hard work, focus and imagination. A self-fulfilling prophecy is one where a person’s behavior procures more and more evidence for it to be true while that person is not able to conceive the alternative so other evidence goes unread either by ignorance or unconsciousness. So here is the trick I propose: create the role you want for people to behave in and believe in it. Funny thing is, the trick is actually that we are playing one on ourselves constantly the other way if you do not imagine this.

This how pain is repeated so often. It is impossible to see the good path from new people or even notice truly new people when we are stuck on old views. Staring at angers and damages from the past takes up time in a person seeing something new and good. People get defensive then purposely insult and degrade the other possible options. Perception damages further as they get more and more angry or sad by staring at the past making the emotion they’re pursuing in focusing on it, bigger in their own mind. Letting go of this anger will release it and that feels wrong or stupid because a person thinks they may get hurt again. That is the most precise definition of fear controlling life. By blinding a focus to one option so much that new ones end up in a blind spot and that option is all they can see or rationalized things into with their behavior. Not examining this possibility is saying fear is in control of life.

How they feel about you, creates what you are allowed to be only in that you create what you think they feel about you. Creating a new place for them to be, a new function for them to exercise, in your mind, allows you to see them this way and releases you from bounds against that old person you were warring with. It is possible to imprison one’s self by their own idea as to what people are and what others think of them. Since the future is actually unwritten, only a person’s expectation and what they act is truly determining it. If you feed another person’s belief in the world of perception as being true because they can’t, won’t, or are not going to see the world full of wonder you desire, then you are creating that perception. Your belief that they’re right, makes that right in your life. Often we get too into other people and their feelings and emotions create rules on ours. But again, this our perception of things which dictates this; they’re not doing this, you are. Human beings are free to change their actions and values on a dime. Charisma and trust can make this reality a normal thing. One must allow the perception of these people growing and getting better or else they may find those fears of them ruling their perception as well. My proposal is to find the people you want to be around, their values and abilities and moods, then allow your enemies, colleagues, neighbors, strangers to have this option. Seeking that cannot happen before you believe it is a capability of others.

This design is highly ambiguous in how I can define it because it is highly personal. That may sound something of evil and selfish to push on others, and it is. The shitty thing, and only reason it is not highly evil, is that you are already doing this exact thing to people and it could be done better.

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