Go look at the photo that you clicked on to get to this page.
Go on, go back and look.
I know some of you didn’t, but I’ll just pretend you did.

Ok, so for those of you that followed my directions…
what did you notice?
What were you drawn to in the photo?


I took this photo from the window of an airplane solely for the production of this entry.

You see lights,
but I see words.
I see inspirational metaphors whirling in the wind and shining in the sunset.

I often cannot look at anything for that matter without reaching for a pen and paper to write down some poetic nonsense that only I can comprehend.

When I looked out the window that night and saw this lit-up scene,
I saw my life.

I saw opportunity,
and sameness.

I saw how easy it is to look at the big picture and see where you’d like to be and base that liking off of its popularity.
“Everyone is in the city of lights.  So that’s where I want to be.”
Mom: So if everyone jumped off a bridge, you would too?

As annoying as it is to hear mom say that, could there maybe be some logic behind it?
Why must I magnetize myself to the city of lights when there are plenty of other places,
plenty of other opportunities, even just in this photograph,
that I have yet to give a chance.

The roads I take throughout my life may not always be lit.
I may stumble upon some unpaved roads,
paths which no one has ever gone before…

but just because no one has been courageous enough,
intrigued enough,
curious enough,
brave enough,
or maybe in other’s eyes, stupid enough,
does not mean that it is wrong for me to journey down that road.

What looks like the city of lights may appear to be glamorous,
but I am also attracted to it because it is safe.
It is illuminated by light which allows me to see everything with that I have the potential of involving myself.
No surprises.

America can barely handle not knowing what toy they’re going to get in a happy meal…
So obviously, the illuminated path is the most attractive one,
the most traveled on,
the safest.

But I don’t want safe…
ok, maybe I do.
But I wish I didn’t.

I will try to exert myself in seeking elsewhere.
To not allow myself to be leashed by the city of lights and “Hansel and Gretel” my way to it’s base.

So now, look at this picture again.
It’s a lot bigger now, isn’t it?
See things you didn’t see before?

Don’t be afraid to walk into a room with the lights off.

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