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Sincerely, social anxiety

Sincerely, social anxiety

Why must joy have consequences?
Why must companionship involve loneliness?
Why must blood be drawn to see the big picture?
Why must tears be shed to see things clearer?

Why must I hear the bad voices in order to appreciate the good?

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Straight to hell

Straight to hell

I don’t have to be like everyone else in order to be happy.
I don’t have to be like her.
I just have to be like me
and be the best and truest me I can be.

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Peace be with you

Peace be with you

I don’t see why I have to be twelve feet under in order to rest in peace.

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Come on Barbie, let’s go Barbie

Come on Barbie, let’s go Barbie

What if we just stayed behind our glass cases,
like porcelain dolls…
what would ever come of us?

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I had my life in my own hands and I didn’t want it.
I didn’t want it because I was so terrified of making the wrong decision that I just decided to not make any decisions at all.

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