Tyler Remus Cloud’s Practical Madness


Blogger Tyler Remus Cloud and His Musings on Life

Expecting yourself.

Posted by on Apr 10, 2014 in Practical Madness | 0 comments

For there to be an up there must be a down. So for there to be a success there must be a failure and knowledge of one is very clarifying to knowledge of the other. Unspoken laws are misunderstood laws and the strongest of all; it is fear not strength or purity. To expect one’s self to be perfect means one cannot have flaws or make mistakes. This is impossible if not only fluke. To chase after perfection without grasping failure in full thick grip and grime is ignorance not skill. For even if one does pull it off then they still...

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The face we put on brings in the day

Posted by on Apr 8, 2014 in Practical Madness | 0 comments

We reap what we sow. Social situations are easily mapped out and planned by the input and actions present. So often do people complain and wish they had more but no action is taken. The reactions of people does have a large degree on our own temperament. If we examine ourselves and what we believe in, the simple emotional trends and grand scope plans on minor levels of a days efforts then we find what we are putting out. Once we find that out it is easy to generally estimate what we shall receive. Calling a social cycle anything but expected...

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The roles we give people.

Posted by on Apr 7, 2014 in Practical Madness | 0 comments

Excitement is something we find with new people then those people gain a glow about them. As we get used to this person they lose that glow but what they have to say, who they are, and everything else about them loses no glow but they shine of new does. We assign them roles in our lives and subconsciously define who they are. The human mind creates stereotypes as shortcuts and this is a more personal but the same step. Once we do this the people we know and love lose the ability to be different or new. Making people static limits them and is...

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What drives you

Posted by on Apr 6, 2014 in Practical Madness | 0 comments

A friend of mine told me that thought wasn’t neccesary and ironically all I wanted to do was think about that. My drive is to think and my motivation is to bend things, turn them and see where they go and how they work. But what this friend said to me is brilliant; he said find the motivation that brings you to this trap of thing think about the statement,”you don’t have to think” and then you will be able to change it. Identifying motivations requires stepping back from your own story and watching yourself,...

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Advisors and leaders.

Posted by on Apr 3, 2014 in Practical Madness | 0 comments

Advice comes from the lives of people, examine those lives as a future before you take the advice. Lead yourself to water if you want to be yourself.

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Life is change and runs on whims, not expectations.

Posted by on Mar 29, 2014 in Practical Madness | 0 comments

Having big plans is a funny idea that will never bloom lest it has set actions for all the change and explosions normal life holds. Going to college, getting a steady job, falling in love with the kids and stuff then the whole happily ever after tale is a huge farce and everyone who isn’t selling you something will agree. Life starts as soon as your plans start falling apart because of outside interference. To restrict ourselves from doing what we feel is right, what draws and excites a person for sake of interfering with a big plan is...

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Stereotypes are for lazy brains, weird is real

Posted by on Mar 28, 2014 in Practical Madness | 0 comments

An archetype, generalization, a stereotype is a set pathway in the brain that we can easily assign to people so less thought is needed. It is a mental shortcut and cuts off many options for what is new when people think in them instead of thinking in whats real and in front of us. THEY’RE NOT BAD ONES! We meet someone and see a cross on their neck, nice clothes, a shitty car, dirty face and big headphones and the mind immediately has a slew of assumptions for old titles to give this new being. When someone says “I...

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whats in a conversation

Posted by on Mar 25, 2014 in Practical Madness | 0 comments

“Small talk will be the death of us all and all that is higher thinking” an old best friend of mine used to say. A convesation takes motions to move the way each speaker wants to push themselves, its a fight or a cuddle session but the tempest is always moving in a direction. The small words or ten dollar phrases are less important than this flow. As a culture we try and sell ourselves with the right words but a more elementary and important step is the theme of our conversation. This is our own theme which we bring to ourselves;...

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Losing yourself

Posted by on Mar 14, 2014 in Practical Madness | 0 comments

It is quite normal and quite simple to lose the person one wants to be. Society rarely pushes us to be our best in the very particular way we would wish and design upon ourselves. That is the inner battle we must keep at balance with the world; dance as hard as they do but keep your own beat. We fall into roles because we naturally want acceptance but we lose ourselves because that is not dream dance.  we must never forget to love ourselves and this is our life, no one else’s. Without our own goals and dynamics in mind, we are living...

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Human emotional tracks driving lives

Posted by on Mar 11, 2014 in Practical Madness | 0 comments

The emotional patterns in our life define our lives; that is they limits and expand them. We are taught these patterns by the way our mother treats us, our father and how our father treats our mother and us. We are taught this by the traumas in our lives and the roles we played in them.  We are taught these roles by the hierarchy system of our siblings kept with us. Dive into each of these and unarguable patterns of behavior emerge. Create a new character in your head who could walk into the real world and play a role, then take on that...

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